Our success trainers are available to help you get the most out of your software. Your one-on-one sessions will help you master your database. Your success trainers won’t just train you, they will help you use your technology to achieve your specific ministry goals.
Essentials Package

Essentials Package
Book personal training sessions with our experts, who will use video conferencing technology to train you and your team to become Church Office Online data masters. Our goal as your ministry partner is to help ensure your team is fully confident with your system and understands how to use it for real ministry success. A smooth data transition and foundational training will fast track your team’s software confidence.
Your success is our priority

Personal Training Hours

Data Migration
As part of your Success Plan, we’ll move you in. This streamlines the transition process and helps you focus on learning your new system faster. Our experts do this all the time and will make it easy and painless.

Q & A Sessions (2x week)
Get answers to your how-to questions. We offer online group sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at 3 p.m. EST. Our software experts will show you on-screen. We cover ChMS and Giving. Think of it as “small group time with a software guru.”

Educational Webinars
In addition to access to our pool of trainers, you will have access to a library of education webinars—over 10 hours of online training on “how-to” and best practices.

Online Giving Engagement Session
Our giving integration is extra powerful and we’re ready to help you learn the basics then take things to the next level. A one-on-one session with a giving success trainer will help you learn how to increase online giving, lower costs, and employ success strategies. Plus, you can grab some amazing resources.

Essential Learning Videos
Tap into our library of 40+ short feature-specific training videos, which is updated on a regular basis. You’ll learn how to use every facet of our software, plus, you can rewind and replay at your own pace.
In addition to these Essentials Success services, you’ll have access to Release Webinars, In-App Help and Tutorials, 40+ Essential Learning Videos, and email, phone, and support.
Ready to run your church more successfully than ever before?