Integrating MailChimp

This guide will walk you through setting up SimpleChurch CRM to sync people to MailChimp.

  1.  Login to MailChimp.
  2. If you don’t already have a list created, create one now.
  3. Go to Account > API Keys & Authorized Apps.
  4. Copy your “API Key”.
  5. In SimpleChurch CRM, go to Settings > Services.
  6. Click the, “Enabled”, radio button in the MailChimp Section.
  7. Paste in your API Key.
  8. Click, “Save”, at the bottom.
  9. Add the groups you wish to sync by searching for them and choose them. They will then appear below under “Sync Groups”. When you update the people in these groups, the changes will be reflected in MailChimp.
  10. Now, under “Sync with the following list”, choose the MailChimp list you want to sync with.
  11. Click, “Save”.
  12. If you wish to sync everyone right now who is currently in the groups you chose, with the list you chose, click the “Sync Individuals with MailChimp” link.